Daily Communication With Teachers
At Blossom we understand that parents need to know what has happened during their child’s day in the nursery and communication with parents is an important part of our daily routine. We also want our parents to feel part of the nursery family and have all the information they need about what happens in our nursery whilst their child is there. This also helps parents to talk to their child about their nursery experience, which helps the child’s communication skills and helps them feel that their experiences are valued.
Our main portal for communication is our LittleLives app, which parents can access via their smartphone. Full details about the app is detailed separately but, in summary, parents can access all the details of their child’s day including activities, meal information, sleep timings, diaper changing, toileting and any other information the teachers feel needs to be shared. Photographs and videos of the children’s activities will also be uploaded to the app.
In addition to the app the staff from each class have brief handover meetings with parents, both on drop off and collection, and are always available to talk to parents about their child’s day at these times.
In short, we aim to ensure clear, open and detailed communication with all our parents on a daily basis so that they are fully informed about their child’s day and have the opportunity to ask questions and be reassured that their child is happy and involved in nursery life.
Our Littlelives Apps
Stay updated on your child's progress and wellbeing.
- Transparent Communication The LittleLives app lets you stay up-to-date on your child's progress and wellbeing by having instant access to your child's profile.
- Be Part Of Your Child's Learning Journey See what your child is learning and how they're developing in our nursery.
- Daily Updates Receive daily updates from your child's teachers to know how their day was, what activities they participated in, their feeding & sleeping patterns, and more.
- Parents Can Interact With Us Too Use the LittleLives app to communicate and engage with our educators and the wider nursery staff.
Parents Groups
Each of our nurseries holds group events for parents, regulations permitting. Some of these will be with experts in different aspects of early childhood, such as oral health, speech and language, developmental milestones, sleep issues, pediatric dietetics and many other topics. Our nurseries also have parent forums where parents can give feedback about their nursery experience and make suggestions for additional services or changes they feel could further improve the service.
At corporate level we also hold parent information events, including information sessions run by our partner schools which can help parents when choosing a primary school for their child. We also host a corporate level Parent Ambassador Scheme where parents from different branches get together to share their experiences, both at branch and company level, and make suggestions for actions that could improve parental experiences and satisfaction. Our Parent Ambassadors also act as representative who are willing to speak to potential new parents and share their experiences as a Blossom family. Finally, the Ambassadors act as representatives for other parents from their own nursery, sharing their ideas, suggestions or concerns at corporate level.