The Brain-Boosting Magic of Reading

Written By : Lucie Wullschleger
parents reading to their children

Hey parents! In a world where screens seem to be everywhere, from tablets to TVs, managing your child's screen time, especially for kids aged 0-8, is more important than ever. While technology isn't all bad, new research shows that reading has its own kind of magic, especially when it comes to developing young brains. Let’s dive into why your child’s brain loves books and how you can create a fun reading routine at home.
During early childhood, your child's brain is growing like a sponge, absorbing everything around it. Here’s how reading helps in this super exciting phase:
Learning Language: Books introduce kids to tons of new words and sounds. The more they listen and read, the richer their vocabulary becomes, making them better communicators.
Growing Imagination: Every story takes them on a new adventure, sparking creativity and helping them learn to think critically about the world.
Understanding Feelings: Stories are filled with characters experiencing different emotions. This helps kids understand and express their own feelings as well as build empathy for others.
Focusing Superpower: Reading a story requires attention and patience, which are important skills your child will use throughout life.

What Science Says About Screens

While some screen time isn't bad and can be educational, too much can be tricky. Here's what studies say about how it affects young brains:

  • Attention Challenges: Quick-screen changes can make it harder for kids to focus for long periods.
  • Talking Less: Watching screens more and talking less might slow down language learning.
  • Sleep Troubles: Screen light can make bedtime tougher, which might affect their overall growing time.

Fun Tips to Balance Reading and Screen Time

So, how do you balance screen time with storytime?

Here are some fun and easy tips to help your child fall in love with reading:

  1. Set Fun Reading Times: Create special times for books, like a bedtime story or a morning reading adventure. Kids love routines, and it makes reading feel like part of every day fun.
  2. Be a Reading Role Model: Show them how much you enjoy reading by picking up your own book. Seeing you read will inspire them to do the same.
  3. Pick Interactive Screens: When they do use screens, choose programs that ask them to think or solve problems—like puzzles and educational games.
  4. Create a Book Wonderland: Fill your space with a variety of books—fun stories, colorful picture books, or fact-filled reads—and swap them regularly to keep it exciting.
  5. Chat About Stories: After reading, talk about the story. Ask your child what they think and what might happen next, turning every reading into a fun conversation.
  6. Make Books Part of Play: Let the stories inspire pretend play. It helps kids explore new worlds and ideas creatively.
  7. Use Audiobooks: On car rides or during quiet time, audiobooks can entertain and engage them with new stories when reading isn’t possible.

By making reading a joyful journey and balancing it with mindful screen time, you can help nurture your child’s brain and set them on a path to becoming eager learners and thoughtful, imaginative individuals.

Wrapping up 

In a world full of screens, it’s all about finding the right balance. We can’t say goodbye to screens, but we can make a bigger, brighter space for books. Let’s fill those spaces with the wonders of stories and watch as our kids grow smarter, kinder, and ready to take on new adventures every day!
Looking for book recommendations for your children? Explore Sharing Stories, a Kids Book Club and Library Service in the UAE that delivers new stories tailored to your child's needs right to your doorstep every month. Discover more here!

Writer's Bio

Lucie Wullschleger
Founder - Sharing Stories

I’m Lucie, mother of 2 Book lovers, 2 and 5 years old.

I have 10+ years experience in Marketing, Digital and Ecommerce in international companies as well as start-ups. I am looking today to use my skills for projects that make sense, having social and/or environmental positive impacts.

I’m convinced about sustainable ways of doing business and believe in the power of circular economy: many objects do not need to be owned but have their value in the usage we make of them. Following this conviction and a growing interest in Education, I founded my first start-up in Dubai in 2023,, a multicultural Kids Library delivered home in order to help parents raising multilingual readers !

Sharing Stories is first a community of book lovers receiving home tailored reading for their kids swapped monthly for new stories. We extended our services to teachers and especially Blossom nurseries teachers delivering them our last reading gems ready to be shared with many little ones !